Bellizzi Tree Service Storm Cleanup Service is the go-to choice when severe weather occurs. In Northern California, when limbs or trees fall due to high winds and saturated soil conditions, you can count on Bellizzi to get the cleanup done fast and effectively.
Trees that retain undergrowth in winter such as conifers and certain oaks are most at risk for damage due to storms, because the flora adds weight and wind resistance. Most homeowners are unable to handle this dangerous work. Ask Bellizzi Tree Service to handle your storm cleanup and also to inspect for issues that could predispose your trees to failure.
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Locations We Serve
Santa Clara, San Jose, Campbell, Saratoga, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Pleasanton, Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Santa Clara County, Milpitas, Cupertino, Santa Cruz, Livermore, and Fremont. Sonora, Gibbs Ranch, Peppermint Creek, Quail Hollow, Vallecito, Soulsbyville, Columbia, Twain Harte, Tuolumne, Jamestown, Altaville, Murphys, Angels Camp, Copperopolis, Morgan Hill, Gilroy and San Martin.